Still, the idea of animals feeling emotions remains controversial among many scientists. Researchers’ skepticism is fueled in part by their professional aversion to anthropomorphism (动物人格化), the very nonscientific tendency to attribute human qualities to nonhumans. Many scientists also say that it is impossible to prove animals have emotions using standard scientific methods—repeatable observations that can be manipulated in controlled experiments—leading them to conclude that such feelings must not exist. Today, however, amid mounting evidence to the contrary, “the tide is turning radically and rapidly,” says Bekoff, who is at the forefront of this movement.Even the most harsh skeptics of animal passion agree that many creatures experience fear—which some scientists define as a “primary” emotion that contrasts with “secondary” emotions such as love and grief. Unlike these more complex feelings, fear is instinctive and requires no conscious thought.But beyond such instinctive emotions and their predictable behavioral responses, the possibility of more complex animal feelings—those that entail mental processing—is difficult to demonstrate, because feelings are intangible, and so tough to study scientifically.The new case for animal emotions comes in part from the growing acceptability of field observations, particularly when they are taken in aggregate. The latest contribution to this body of knowledge is a new book. The Smile of a Dolphin, which presents personal reports from more than 50 researchers who have spent their careers studying animals—from cats, dogs, and chimps to birds and fish, edited by Bekoff, who says it will finally “legitimize” research on animal emotions.
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