Joseph Weizenbaum, professor of computer science at MIT, thinks that the sense of power over the machine ultimately corrupts the computer hacker and makes him into a not very desirable sort of programmer. The hackers are so involved with designing their program, making it more and more complex and bending it to their will, that they don’t bother trying to make it understandable to other users. They rarely keep records of their programs for the benefit of others, and they rarely take time to understand why a problem occurred.Computer science teachers say they can usually pick out the prospective hackers in their courses because these students make their homework assignments more complex than they need to be. Rather than using the simplest and most direct method, they take joy in adding extra steps just to prove their ingenuity.But perhaps those hackers know something that we don’t know about the shape of things to come. “That hacker who had to be literally dragged off his chair at MIT is now a multimillionaire of the computer industry,” says MIT professor Michael Dertouzos. “And two former hackers became the founders of the highly successful Apple home computer company.”When seen in this light, the hacker phenomenon may not be so strange after all. If, as many psychiatrists say, play is really the basis for all human activity, then the hacker games are really the preparation for future developments. Sherry Turkle, a professor of sociology at MIT, has for years been studying the way computers fit into people’s lives. She points out that the computer, because it seems to us to be so “intelligent”, so “capable”, so “human”, affects the way we think about ourselves and our ideas about what we are. She says that computers and computer toys already play an important role in children’s efforts to develop an identity by allowing them to test ideas about what is alive and what is not.“The youngsters can form as many subtle nuances(细微差距)and textured relationships with the computers as they can with people.” Turkle points out.1. The passage tells about( ).2. According to Prof. Weizenbaum, what led to the hackers’ strange behavior is( ).3. In Prof. Dertouzos’ opinion, we know that( ).4. The phrase “to develop an identity” (Para.4) means ( ).5. The passage tries to convey to its readers the idea that( ).
Recent research has claimed that an excess of positive ions(离子)in the air can have an ill effect on people’s physical or psychological health. What are positive ions? Well, the air is full of ions, electrically charged particle, and generally there is a rough balance between the positive and the negative charged. But sometimes this balance becomes disturbed and a large proportion of positive ions are found. This happens naturally before thunderstorms,earthquakes of when winds such as the mistral(寒冷的西北风)are blowing in certain countries. Or it can be caused by a build-up of static electricity(静电)indoors from carpets or clothing made of man-made fibers, or from TV sets, duplicators or computer display screens.When a large number of positive ions are present in the air many people experience unpleasant effects such as headaches, fatigue, irritability, and some particularly sensitive people suffer nausea(恶心)or even mental disturbance. Animals are also found to be affected, particularly before earthquakes. Snakes have been observed to come out of hibernation, rats to flee from their burrows, dogs howl and cats jump about unaccountably. This has led the US Geographical Survey to fund a network of volunteers to watch animals in an effort to foresee such disasters before they hit vulnerable areas such as California.Conversely, when large numbers of negative ions are present, then people have a feeling of well-being. Natural conditions that produce these are near the sea, close to waterfalls of fountains, or in any place where water is sprayed, or forms a spray. This probably accounts for the beneficial effort of a holiday by the sea, or in the mountains with tumbling streams or waterfalls.To increase the supply of negative ions indoors, some scientists recommend the use of ionizers: small portable machines which generate negative ions. They claim that ionizers not only clean and refresh the air but also improve the health of people of people sensitive to excess positive ions. Of course, there are the detractors, other scientists, who dismiss such claims and are skeptical about negative/positive ion research. Therefore people can only make up their own minds observing the effects on themselves, or on others, of a negative rich or poor environment. After all, it is debatable whether depending on seismic(地震的)readings to anticipate earthquakes is more effective than watching the cat.1. What effect does excessive positive ionization have on some people?2. According to the passage, static electricity can be caused by( ).3. A high negative ion count is likely to be found( ).4. What kind of machine can generate negative ions indoors?5. Some scientists believe that( ).
The media can impact current events. As a graduate student at Berkeley in the 1960s, I remember experiencing the events related to the People’s Park that wore occurring on campus. Some of these events were given national media coverage in the press and on TV. I found it interesting to compare my impressions of what was going on with perceptions obtained from the news media. I could begin to see events of that time feed on news coverage. This also provided me with some healthy insights into the distinctions between these realities.Electronic media are having a greater impact on the people’s lives every day. People gather more and more of their impressions from representations. Television and telephone communications are linking people to global village, or what one writer calls the electronic city. Consider the information that television brings into your home every day. Consider also the contact you have with others simply by using telephone. These media extend your consciousness and your contact. For example, the video coverage of the 1989 San Francisco earthquake focused on “live action” such as the fires or the rescue efforts. This gave the viewer the impression of total disaster. Television coverage of the Iraqi War also developed an immediacy. CNN reported events as they happened. This coverage was distributed worldwide. Although most people were far away from these events, they developed some perception of these realities.In 1992, many people watched in horror as riots broke out on a sad Wednesday evening in Los Angeles, seemingly fed by video coverage from helicopters. This events was triggered by the verdict (裁定)in the Rodney King beating. We are now in an age where the public can have access to information that enables it to make its own judgments, and most people,who had seen the video of this beating, could not understand how the —jury was able to acquit(宣布无罪)the policemen involved. Media coverage of events as they occur also provides powerful feedback that influences events. This can have harmful results, as is seemed on that Wednesday night in Los Angeles. By Friday night the public got to see Rodney King on television pleading, “Can we all get along?” By Saturday, television seemed to provide positive feedback as the Los Angeles riot turned out into a rally for peace. The television showed thousands of people marching with banners and cleaning tools. Because of that, many more people turned out to join the peaceful event they saw unfolding on television. The real healing, of course, will take much longer, but electronic media will continue to be a part of that process.1. Where is the passage most likely to be from?2. The 1989 San Francisco earthquake was mentioned to show( ).3. The term "electronic city"( para.2) refers to( ).4. The 1992 Los Angeles riots broke out because( ).5. It can be inferred from the passage that( ).
Money-laundering(洗钱)has been one of the world’s fastest-growing industries over decade despite increasing efforts by the world’s financial authorities to stamp it out. Following is a simple guide to the world of money-laundering.Money-laundering is the process by which money obtained by illegal means is given the appearance of legitimate income and returned into circulation. The word and practice are widely believed to have been invented by the US Mafia(黑手党). As a means of mixing the dirty cash obtained from prostitution, gambling, gun-running, blackmail and its other wicked activities, so that it came out more or less clean, the Mafia bought up and operated large numbers of Laundromats(自助洗衣店). As good cash businesses, they were a good means of providing the appearance of honest cash flow.Various techniques can be employed and the means of money-laundering, but they essentially boil down to three stages. Step one: moving the money from the scene of the crime A to a remote location B ideally in another country, preferably a bank account, if possible one that is anonymous. Step two: disguising the trail leading from A to B. Step three: making the cash available to the criminals, along with a plausible explanation of how ti came legally into their possession.Apart from harming the economies that it feeds off, the money-laundering industry is essential to organized crime. As the head of the UN’s crime-fighting wing Pino Arlacchi remarked, organized crime “brutalizes society and diminishes respect for the value like honesty and cooperation upon which successful societies are based”. Or as a senior US official said in 1999, “money-laundering may look like a polite form of white-collar crime, but it is the companion of brutality, deceit and corruption.”The liberalization of markets around the world and deregulation(解除管制)of exchange controls are regarded as the chief causes of the rapid expansion of money-laundering over the past decade. Together they have opened up many more channels for laundering dirty money and provided more opportunities to hide its origins. UN officials believe the most important single measure in eliminating money-laundering is the ending of bank secrecy.1. We know from the passage that money-laundering( ).2. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the phrase “stamp it out” (para. 1) in the first paragraph?3. The reason why the Mafia bought up and ran substantial Laundromats is that( ).4. In money-laundering, money would be moved from the scene of the crime to( ).5. With the worldwide liberalization of markets, money-laundering has expanded rapidly by( ).
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