4. The obesity is a national health crisis, one that—quite literally—weighs on us all. It costs lives. It costs dollars. And in the context of our current health-reform debate in Washington, it’s time we took action, as a nation and as individuals, to address this cost. While infectious disease was a disaster threatening our grandparents’ generation, chronic disease is killing us and harming our well-being—and obesity is the root cause. The growth in obesity is strongly linked to heart disease, hypertension, and the explosion of diabetes that our country is currently experiencing.5. The context of leadership is changing, and the historical emphasis on hard power is becoming outdated. In modern companies and democracies, power is increasingly diffused and traditional hierarchies are being undermined, making soft power ever more important. But that does not mean coercion should now take a back seat to persuasion. Instead, there should be a synthesis of these two views. The conclusion of The Power to Lead, stresses a combination of hard and soft power, which is called smart power, is the best approach.6. For Emily Dickinson there are three worlds, and she lived in all of them, making them the substance of everything that she thought and wrote. There was the world of nature, the things and the creatures that she saw, heard, felt about her; there was the “estate” that was the world of friendship; and there was the world of the unseen and unheard. From her youth she was looked upon as different. She was direct, impulsive, original, and the droll wit who said unconventional things which others thought but dared not speak, and said them incomparably well. The characteristics, which made her inscrutable to those who knew her, continue to bewilder and surprise, for she lived by paradoxes.
4. It was a “match of the century” between human champion of the Chinese board game Go and Google’s computer program kicked off in Seoul last Wednesday, which drew great attention. Google’s artificial intelligence software has won its third straight match against a grandmaster of an ancient board game called Go. Google’s program, AlphaGo, won four games and lost one in a series of five against Lee Sedol, who’s considered one of the world’s best Go players. This means Google has secured the $1 million in prize money from the competition, which it says it will donate to charity. But this was about more than money and bragging rights for Google.5. The Zika virus was first isolated in 1947 from a monkey in the Zika forest of Uganda. Its historical home has been in a narrow equatorial belt stretching across Africa and into equatorial Asia. For decades, the disease, transmitted by the Aedes genus of mosquito slumbered, affecting mainly monkeys. In humans, Zika occasionally caused a mild disease of low concern. In 2007, Zika expanded its geographical range to cause the first documented outbreak in the Pacific islands, in the Federated States of Micronesia. From 2013-2014, 4 additional Pacific island nations documented large Zika outbreaks.6. China’s stunning economic rise is one of the biggest legends of this generation. In just three decades since beginning to embrace market economics, China has left its desperate poverty behind to become the world’s top exporting nation. The transformation has occurred so quickly that myths and misperceptions abound about the challenges and opportunities that China poses to America and the rest of the world.
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