It was unfortunate that, after so trouble-free an arrival, he should stumble in the dark as he was rising and severely twist his ankle on a piece of rock. After the first shock the pain became bearable, and he gathered up his parachute before limping into the trees to hide it as best he could. The hardness of the ground and the deep darkness made it almost impossible to do this efficiently. The pine needles lay several inches deep so he simply piled them on top of the parachute, cutting the short twigs that he could feel around his legs, and spreading them on top of the needles. He had great doubts about whether it would stay buried, but there was very little else that he could do about it.After limping for some distance in an indirect course away from his parachute he began to make his way downhill through the trees. He had to find out where he was, and then decide what to do next. But walking downhill on a rapidly swelling ankle soon proved to be almost beyond his powers. He moved more and more slowly, walking in long sideways movements across the slope, which meant taking more steps but less painful ones. By the time he cleared the trees and reached the valley, day was breaking. Mist hung in soft sheets across the field. Small cottages and farm buildings grouped like sleeping cattle around a village church, whose pointed tower, pointed high into the cold winter air to welcome the morning.“I can’t go no further,” John Harding thought. “Someone is bound to find me, but what can’t I do? I must get a rest before I go on. They’ll look for me first up there on the mountain where the plane crashed. I bet they’re out looking for it already and they’re bound to find the parachute in the end. I can’t believe they won’t. So they’ll know I’m not dead and must be somewhere. They’ll think I’m hiding up there in the trees and rocks so they’ll look for me, so I’ll go down to the village. With luck by the evening my foot will be good enough to get me to the border.”Far above him on the mountainside he could hear the faint echo of voices, startling him after great silence. Looking up he saw lights like little pinpoints moving across the face of the mountain in the grey light. But the road was deserted, and he struggled along, still almost invisible in the first light, easing his aching foot whenever he could, avoiding stones and rough places, and limping quietly and painfully towards the village. He reached the church at last. A great need for peace almost drew him inside, but he knew that would not do. Instead, he limped along its wails towards a very old building standing a short distance from the church doors. It seemed to have been there for ever, as if it had grown out of the hillside. It had the same air of timelessness as the church. John Harding pushed open the heavy wooden door and slipped inside.1.It is known from the passage that John Harding was( ).2.John Harding found it hard to hide his parachute because( ).3.In spite of his bad ankle John Harding was able to( ).4.When John Harding got out of the forest he saw that( ).5.John Harding decided to go down to the village( ).
Jean left Alice Springs on Monday morning with regret, and flew all day in a “Dragonfly”' aircraft; and it was a very instructive day for her. The machine did not go directly to Cloncurry, but flew to and for across the wastes of Central Australia, depositing small bags of mail at cattle stations and picking up cattle-men and travelers to drop them off after a hundred or a hundred and fifty miles. They landed eight or ten times in the course of the day, at places like Ammaroo and Hatches Creek and many other stations; at each place they would get out of the plane and drink a cup of tea and have a talk with the station manager or owner, and get back into the plane and go on their way. By the end of the day Jean Paget knew exactly what a cattle station looked like, and she was beginning to have a very good idea of what went on there.They got to Cloncurry in the evening, a fairly extensive town on a railway that ran eastward to the sea at Townsville. Here she was in Queensland, and she heard for the first time the slow deliberate speech of the Queensland that reminded her at once of her friend Joe Harman. She was driven into town in a very old open car and deposited at the Post Office Hotel; she got a bedroom but tea was over, and she had to go down the wide, dusty main street to a café for her evening meal. Cloncurry, she found, had none of the clean attractiveness of Alice Springs; it was a town which smelt of cattle, with wide streets through which to drive them down to the stockyard, many hotels, and a few shops. All the houses were of wood with red-painted iron roofs; the hotels had two floors, but very few of the other houses had more than one.She had to spend a day here, because the air service to Normanton and Willstown ran weekly on a Wednesday. She went out after breakfast while the air was still cool and walked in one direction up the huge main street for half a mile till she came to the end of the town, then came back and walked down it a quarter of a mile till she came to the other end. Then she went and had a look at the railway station, and, having seen the airfield, with that she had seen all there was to see in Cloncurry. She looked in at a shop that sold toys and newspapers, but they were sold out of all reading matter except a few books about dress-making; as the day was starting to warm up she went back to the hotel. She managed to borrow a copy of the Australian Women’s Weekly from the manageress of the hotel and took it to her room, and took off most of her clothes and lay down on her bed to sweat it out during the heat of the day. Most of the other citizens of Cloncurry seemed to be doing the same thing.She felt like moving again shortly before tea and had a shower, and went out to the café for an ice. Weighed down by the heavy meal of roast beef and plum-pudding that the Queenslanders call “tea” she sat in a folding chair for a little outside in the cool of the evening, and went to bed again at about eight o’clock. She was called before daybreak, and was out at the airfield with the first light.1.When Jean had to leave Alice Springs, she( ).2.How did Jean get some idea of Australian cattle station?3.Jean's main complaint about Cloncurry in comparison with Alice Springs, was( ).4.For her evening meal on the second day Jean had( ).5.Jean left Cloncurry( ).
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