The ancient forests of the Pacific Northwest are the last relatively intact “old growth” ecosystem in America.(1)principally in northern California, Oregon and Washington, the ancient forests are a vital part of our national heritage. Today, our ancient forests are in(2). They are being destroyed at the (3) rate of 60,000 acres per year. Ninety percent of our ancient forests have (4). Only 10% still stand. Overcutting these forests destroys an ecosystem and(5).The forests provide clean water and air, spawning grounds for salmon, a billion dollar per year fishing industry, abundant wildlife and (6).The timber industry in the Pacific Northwest has been undergoing a(7)since the early 80’s—(8)the spotted owl became an issue, (9) has led to steadily falling employment(10). The industry modernized mills, exported raw logs overseas, and abandoned the Pacific Northwest to other(11)of the United States. This led to the(12)of over 26,000 timber-related jobs in Oregon and Washington during the 80’s.Industry claims that environmental laws are to(13)for the decline in timber jobs in the Pacific Northwest do not(14)under close examination.(15), the industry itself is responsible for many of these job losses(16)the overcutting of the forests for the past decade, (17) the export of raw(18)overseas.(19)such laws nothing can be done effectively. The reason is the fact that one in four trees cut in the Northwest is exported(20)an estimated 15,000 jobs.
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