There are a variety of ways to think about the self. Two of the most widely used terms are self-concept and self-esteem. Self-concept generally refers to the totality of a complex, organized, and dynamic system of learned beliefs, attitudes and opinions that people hold about themselves, while self-esteem generally refers to how we feel about or how we value ourselves. There is a great deal of research which shows that the self-concept is, perhaps, the basis for all motivated behavior. It is the self-concept that gives rise to possible selves, and it is possible selves that create the motivation for behavior. Self-concept is related to self-esteem in that people who have good self-esteem have a clear differentiated self-concept. When people know themselves, they can maximize outcomes because they know that what they can and cannot do. It would see, then, that one way to impact self-esteem is to obey the somewhat outworn cline of “Know theyself.”There are several different components of self-concept: physical, academic, social and transpersonal. The physical aspect of self-concept relates to that which is concrete: what we look like, our sex, height, weight, and what kind of clothes we wear. Our academic self-concept relates to how well we do in school or how well we learn. The social self-concept describes how we relate to other people and the transpersonal self-concept describes how we relate to other supernatural or unknown on an emotional or spiritual level.Though self-reflection, people often come to view themselves in a new, more powerful way, and it is through this new, more power way of viewing the self that people can develop possible selves. We develop and maintain our self-concept by taking action and then reflecting on what we have done and what others tell us about what we have done. We reflect in comparison to our expectations and the exceptions of others and to the characteristics and accomplishments of others. Self-concept, thus is not innate, but is developed by the individual through interaction with the environment and reflecting on that interaction. This dynamic aspect of self-concept is important because it indicates that it can be modified or changed.1.It can be inferred from the text that().2.The author’s attitude towards the ideas of “know themselves” is().3.One can conclude from the text that by developing good self-esteem people can().4.Which of the following would be identified as transpersonal self- concept?5.The most appropriate title for the text would be().
The energy crisis, which is being felt around the world , has dramatized how the careless use of the earth’s resources has brought the whole world to the brink of disaster. The overdevelopment of motor transport, with its(1)of more cars, more highways , more pollution, more suburbs, more commuting, has(2)to the near-destruction of our cities, and the pollution not only of(3)air , but also of the earth s’atmosphere. The disaster has arrived in the(4)of the energy crisis.Our present(5)is unlike war, revolution or depression. It is also unlike the great natural disasters of the past. Worldwide resources(6) and energy use have brought us to a state(7)long-range planning is essential. What we need is not a continuation of our present serious state, which(8) the future of our country, our children, and our earth,(9)a movement forward to a new norm in order to work rapidly and effectively on planetary problems.This country has been falling back under the continuing exposures of loss of(10) . There is a strong demand for moral revival and(11)some devotion that is vast enough and yet(12)enough to enlist the devolution of all. In the past it has been only in a war in(13)of their own country(14)any people have been able to(15)themselves wholeheartedly.This is the first time we have been asked to defend ourselves and what we hold dear in(16)with all the other inhabitants of this planet, who(17)with us the same endangered air and the same endangered oceans. There is a(18)need to reassess our present course, and to(19)new methods through which the world can survive. This is priceless(20).
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