The word science is heard so often in modern times that almost everybody has some notion of its meaning. On the other hand, its definition is difficult for many people. The meaning of the term is confusing, but everyone should understand its meaning and objectives. Just to make the explanation as simple as possible, suppose science is defined as classified knowledge (facts).Even in the true sciences distinguishing fact from fiction is not always easy. For this reason great care should be taken to distinguish between beliefs and truths. There is no danger as long as a clear difference is made between temporary and proved explanations. For example, hypotheses and theories are attempts to explain natural phenomena. From these positions scientists continue to experiment and observe until they are proved or discredited. The exact status of any explanation should be clearly labeled to avoid confusion.The objectives of science are primarily the discovery and the subsequent understanding of the unknown. Man cannot be satisfied with recognizing that secrets exist in nature or that questions are unanswerable; he must solve them. Toward that end specialists in the field of biology and related fields of interests are directing much of their time and energy.Actually, two basic approaches lead to the discovery of new information. One, aimed at satisfying curiosity, is referred to as pure science. The other is aimed at using knowledge for specific purposed—for instance, improving health, raising standards of living, or creating new consumer products. In this case knowledge is put to economic use. Such an approach is referred to as applied science.Sometimes practical-minded people miss the point of pure science in thinking only of its immediate application for economic rewards. Chemists responsible for many of the discoveries could hardly have anticipated that their findings would one day result in applications of such a practical nature as those directly related to life and death. The discovery of one bit of information opens the door to the discovery of another. Some discoveries seem so simple that one is amazed they were not made years ago; however, one should remember that the construction of the microscope had to precede the discovery of the cell. The most of scientists dedicating their lives to pure science are not apologetic about ignoring the practical side of their discoveries; they know from experience that most knowledge is eventually applied.1. According to the writer, science can be simply referred to as _______.2. Which of the following statements is implied in the passage?3. About pure science, the author holds that _______.4. Applied science is an approach aimed at _______.5. Which title best expresses the main idea of the passage?
In cooperative learning, students help other students within groups of four to five persons in an effort to reach goals. Adaptations of cooperative learning can be effective at many age levels from the late elementary grades up through adult levels. It can be used in both second-and foreign-language teaching situations.In cooperative learning there is an interdependence established among the students in each group as they strive for the achievement of group or individual objectives. This technique draws from both behaviorism and humanism. On the one hand, it frequently offers group rewards (in the form of points or grades) as its prime motivation; on the other, it urges students to develop more fully their own individual identities while respecting those of others. It must be remembered, however, that the students should be cognitively able to handle its challenges in whatever situations the teacher wishes to incorporate it.The results of studies done on cooperative learning indicate great potential for some aspects of the method to produce academic success, especially in classes of mixed ethnicity. In almost all the studies (89%) in which group rewards were based on individual achievement, there were noted achievement gains. On the other hand, in studies in which only individual grades were given, or a group grade was given based on a group product, achievement was roughly the same as that found in the control classes. Moreover, several studies indicated that medium to low achievers seem to benefit most and that their accomplishments were not made to the detrimental of high achievers.One drawback of cooperative learning, if it is used extensively at beginning to intermediate levels with second or foreign-language students, is the possibility of early fossilization. It is reported that students who are not proficient in the target language do not provide adequate models for each other. This is not to say, however, that all nonnative peer grouping should be avoided. On the contrary, such groups can provide comfortable environments in which the students can practice giving output and negotiating for meaning. The danger, it would seem, comes when nonnative peers are the major source of input during the language acquisition process. Though learners cannot provide each other with the accurate grammatical and sociolinguistic input that native speakers can provide them, learners can offer each other genuine communicative practice, including the negotiations for meaning that may aid second language acquisition.1. Cooperative learning can be effectively adapted, according to the passage, at many age levels except _______.2. Cooperative learning, according to the passage, is theoretically based on ______.3. Which of the following statements is not true about cooperative learning?4. The results of studies show that _______.5. The writer’s understanding of the drawback (in para. 4) is that nonnative peers ______.
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