




A Fighting Lady① Deborah Sampson was born in 1760. There were many children in her family and they were poor. When Deborah was just a young girl, her father left and went off to sea. Being in poor health, her mother could not care for her children. So she sent them to live with different relatives, hoping these people would take care of her children.② Young Deborah, less than seven years old, had to work for a farmer. On the farm, she learned to ride and hunt. She did housework as well. Life was difficult, but Deborah worked hard and grew strong. The farmer had ten sons, and Deborah helped to take care of them. In the evening, she had the boys talk about their lessons with her. By this she learned what they learned. She also borrowed their school books to read every night. When she was 18, Deborah became a teacher.③ Soon after she started her new career, the American Revolution began. She wanted to fight for her country, but women could not be soldiers at that time Deborah had a plan. She was tall for a woman of that time. She made herself a man's suit and secretly practiced walking and talking like a man. Finally, she joined the army using the name Robert.④ "Robert"was a brave soldier. He fought with courage in every battle, and other soldiers respected him. They never suspected that their fellow soldier was a woman. Once he caught a fever and had to go to the hospital. There a doctor found out that Robert was actually a woman. Deborah then had to leave the army, but she was not punished. Some people say she even met General George Washington before she left.⑤ Later, Deborah married a farmer and had three children. She taught in school and gave lectures about her time in the army till retirement. Deborah died at the age of 66. She was a true American hero.1.Deborah was sent to others home because____.2.Deborah became a teacher by____.3.Deborah went into the army by____.4.Deborah left the army after____.5.Deborah was a hero____.
Team Work in Sports① Teams that win in team sports are often those that work well together. Learning to cooperate with others towards a common goal in sports is what builds character, friendship and important life skills for players.② Working towards a common goal will keep the team firmly together. Entering into a new season in sports, you might only know a few of the players on your team. Some of the players may be people you do not like. But when your team decides to be the winner of the season, personal differences are often set aside for the common good of the team. By the end of the season, players who have fought through the whole season may become good friends, much like brothers.③ For kids and young adults, team sports offer a way for them to get out and meet with friends. This can help them avoid spending too much time at home watching television and playing video games. Team work teaches people how to help each other and encourage each other. It can also give players a greater respect for one another and can build friendships that last a lifetime.④ Team work in sports offers a way for people to compete for something together. It is important to know that winning is not everything in sports and healthy competition can be good for people. Working towards a goal can teach people the value of hard work, commitment and devotion. Team sports are a great way to learn these values.⑤ Team work in sports can help young people develop stronger communication skills. As every member must work for the same goal, they learn how to work with one another successfully.1.Cooperation in team sports helps build____.2.When your team decides to win the season, you set aside____.3.In team sports, kids learn to____.4.In team sports, people learn the value of____.5.A long- lasting friendship can be built____.
the Aloha State① Hawaii is sometimes called "the Aloha State." Aloha is a word in the Hawaiian language meaning love and peace. It is often used as a way to say “hello” or “goodbye.” Hawaii is like the word aloha, because it is a state that has two viewpoints: it remembers its history and looks toward the future.② Hawaii is a U.S. state made up of a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean. It is made up of eight large islands and over 100 other smaller islands. It is the only state that is not in North America. The islands were formed by volcanoes that erupted (爆发)and rose above the ocean. There are still active volcanoes in Hawaii.③ Because of its location, Hawaii has a tropical climate. It is warm, but usually not hot, all year long. Rarely does the temperature drop below 60 degrees Fahrenheit(华氏温度), although it may occasionally snow at the top of some of the mountains.④ Once called the Sandwich Islands by Europeans, Hawaii is thought to have been settled by ancient sailors from other islands in the Pacific. The British explorer Captain Cook was thought to be the first European to find the islands in 1778. Because of its location, Hawaii became a frequent stop for European traders and ships. Hawaii was an independent country before it became part of the United States in 1893. It was governed by either a king or a queen. It is one of the only four U.S. states to have been a country before statehood. It was admitted into the Union in 1959 as the 50th state.⑤ Today Hawaii is important as a vacation destination. Each year over 6 million people visit Hawaii to enjoy the beaches, the beautiful ocean, and the historical Hawaiian culture. Come and visit Hawaii. You are sure to love it!1.Aloha is often used as. 2.Hawaii islands are formed by.3.Visitors can see snow on.4.Hawaii used to be ruled by.5.People visit Hawaii for.
the Aloha State① Hawaii is sometimes called "the Aloha State." Aloha is a word in the Hawaiian language meaning love and peace. It is often used as a way to say “hello” or “goodbye.” Hawaii is like the word aloha, because it is a state that has two viewpoints: it remembers its history and looks toward the future.② Hawaii is a U.S. state made up of a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean. It is made up of eight large islands and over 100 other smaller islands. It is the only state that is not in North America. The islands were formed by volcanoes that erupted (爆发)and rose above the ocean. There are still active volcanoes in Hawaii.③ Because of its location, Hawaii has a tropical climate. It is warm, but usually not hot, all year long. Rarely does the temperature drop below 60 degrees Fahrenheit(华氏温度), although it may occasionally snow at the top of some of the mountains.④ Once called the Sandwich Islands by Europeans, Hawaii is thought to have been settled by ancient sailors from other islands in the Pacific. The British explorer Captain Cook was thought to be the first European to find the islands in 1778. Because of its location, Hawaii became a frequent stop for European traders and ships. Hawaii was an independent country before it became part of the United States in 1893. It was governed by either a king or a queen. It is one of the only four U.S. states to have been a country before statehood. It was admitted into the Union in 1959 as the 50th state.⑤ Today Hawaii is important as a vacation destination. Each year over 6 million people visit Hawaii to enjoy the beaches, the beautiful ocean, and the historical Hawaiian culture. Come and visit Hawaii. You are sure to love it!1.Aloha is often used as____. 2.Hawaii islands are formed by____.3.Visitors can see snow on____.4.Hawaii used to be ruled by____.5.People visit Hawaii for____.
Secrets for a Happier YouSome people are naturally blessed with a cheerful character. They spread warmth and sunshine wherever they go. They attract people like bees to honey. So what is it that makes these people so different from others?① The most important secret to happiness is to be grateful for the good things in your life——whatever may be your financial position. Instead of appreciating material wealth, be thankful for the loved ones in your life and enjoy the little pleasures of life that come your way.② The next important secret is to develop relationships. Increasing social contacts helps boost brain power. Therefore, work towards improving your relationships and take time off to get in touch with friends. This will lift some burden off your shoulders, especially when you share your thoughts and feelings. Socializing can give you an added boost to your moods.③ Thirdly, do not hold a grudge(怨恨)against anyone. Instead, learn to be kind, generous, and forgiving towards others, even to the person who hurt you. Be sympathetic and understanding, and try not to criticize others. Focus on the positives of a person instead of the negatives, for none of us is born perfect. It will keep your heart and mind free and peaceful.④ Besides, involve yourself in some creative process, be it dancing, writing or drawing. This can bring out the hidden talent in you to achieve magical happiness. Or pick up new skills and feel the great sense of satisfaction by carrying out certain tasks which you otherwise would never have felt.⑤ Finally, follow a daily regular sleep-wake cycle to keep you energetic and happy. Exercise regularly or practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing and yoga(瑜伽). Ensure you get eight to nine hours of sleep every day and have a well-balanced diet.1.A cheerful character makes you____.2.Enjoy the pleasures of life____.3.Socializing can make you____.4.Try to forgive____.5.Creative activities enable you____.
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